What I Try to Accomplish While the Baby Naps

I just made an IG post about this recently! Check it out here.  But, I think it is something really important to talk about. I think this is something that can be useful for all parents, men, women, ANYONE. So, I will throw a little list together of things that can be accomplished while your baby is napping.

I think there are two ways to look at it: be productive, or take time for you. By now you know I am a huge advocate for self care. But, I am also a lunatic when it comes to a messy house, and need everything to be spotless. 

So, we can start with the self care version of what you can do during a nap.

  • Hot bath

  • Face mask

  • Take a nap

  • Catching up on a favorite show

  • Making a meal for myself

  • Meal prepping for work

What I like to accomplish that is “house work” or non-self care related:

  • Do the dishes

  • Laundry

  • Mop, Vacuum, Sweep

  • Catch up on some missed work

  • Cook dinner for the family

  • Dust

I guess these are just some ideas. So, we’ll keep this one short. 

I want you to feel empowered to sometimes make the decision to focus on yourself, and do something for you when you get a minute! Of course, things need to get done around your house and there is no way around that. But, as a parent, and extra if you are a working parent, you are constantly getting pulled in different directions, so just take a minute every once in awhile!

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